What is your #EarthLogicStatement?
Share it on social media and nominate your friends to join.
Earth Logic is a radical approach for accelerating change. 50 years have passed since the first international conference on people and the environment.
The time to take action is now.
Share your #EarthLogicStatement and nominate your friends, co-workers and competitors to take a stand and take action.
Write your own or use the templates below
On twitter:
This is my #EarthLogicStatement. I bring care into my garden and impatience for change into the world. I leave competitiveness behind. https://earthlogic.info #EarthLogic #StayWithTheTrouble #Stockholm50 What do you bring? I nominate
On Instagram
This is my #EarthLogicStatement
I’m acting on the science and use every opportunity to share scientific knowledge on the need to ”put the Earth first”.
Earth Logic https://earthlogic.info is a radical action plan for fashion and beyond in the face of unacceptable climate, environmental and social impacts.
I support the #EarthLogic and encourage the following people to spread the word and make a statement of their own:
#EarthLogicStatement #StayWithTheTrouble #Stockholm50
Written by two of the world’s most cited scholars in fashion and sustainability, the Earth Logic fashion action research plan warns of the unacceptable climate, environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry. Earth Logic can be summarised into seven essential elements of action to profoundly rethink fashion and put the health and survival of our planet Earth before business interest and economic growth:
Science tells us we have less than a decade to shift to living within the means of our planet, with resources fairly shared across the globe. Acting on the science means taking steps commensurate with this challenge. Changes to products and even discrete systems are insufficient – change needs to be targeted at the very logic that drives the whole of society.
Earth Logic puts the health and survival of our planet as the primary goal for all fashion activity. This is different from fashion directed by economic growth. A thriving planet with a stable climate will benefit us all and decentralises fashion from an industry-dominated activity, to one shaped and reshaped through genuine collaboration across industry, citizens, education, the media, policymakers and more.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them. This is why we propose Earth Logic as a new paradigm for fashion that can also be applied to other sectors. This new way of thinking – like the turn of a kaleidoscope – makes it possible to see new patterns and relationships and take action for a fashion system that is a healthy and regenerative force in society and for the planet.
Three key themes for action are: Less – bring all fashion activities within the planet’s limits. Local – ground action in the needs and creativity of local communities. Plural – nurture diversity and social justice to transform nature and society.
Activate transformation of the fashion sector by: Learning – use every opportunity to expand knowledge, share knowledge and innovate based on Earth Logic. Languaging – use words, stories and images that change mindsets from growth logic to Earth Logic. Governing – consider how we organise and regulate fashion as an important and underused driver for change.
The maintenance, use and care systems are expressions of the Earth Logic. The feminist notion of care radically transforms how we act. Care brings action for climate, biodiversity and social justice from expert work to something everyone can do everywhere. It brings care for relationships, people and other species, into the foreground, paying attention to fashion practices instead of products.
Earth Logic is an uncompromisingly holistic approach to change. This means refusing to separate environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability. It also means addressing real challenges, like providing livelihoods in a world of less production and consumption.